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composer. producer. visual artist.
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Odyssey official cover5.png

O D Y S S E Y   Y 


Odyssey Y is a piece based on interactivity between the audience and the musicians through a mobile app. At different stages of the piece, the app questions the audience about the evolution of the piece and of the story. The audience is faced with a vote on their mobile, offering two possibilities, with a time limit to vote which triggers their instinct. Once the votes are gathered, the musicians receive the musical parts that correspond to the choices of the audience and perform this until the next crossroads. The first crossroad of the piece focuses on musical intention, but the piece evolves to explore psychological aspects of the process of decision making and dilemmas, pushed to their extreme logic in an uncompromising universe.


The app is designed and developed by the Australian developer Clive Vois and myself. It is constituted of a native format in which musicians can upload their potential scores, create new crossroads, play the piece during the live performance, and use a web app version with the voting system. The app will be available in Frebruary 2021.



Odyssey Y will be premiered on May 1, 2021 at the Podium Festival in Esslingen (Germany) by Wooden Elephant

About the app 



Home page

The user sets up their concert through the home page. This home page provides the concert details which the user can edit and access to the live process. The live process is attached to an event, which the user can create through the home page too.


Live Page

This page is used during the live process. The musicians access to the scores and can send the different voting options to the audience.

The Live page is conceptualised to give the ensemble the complete independence they need as an ensemble (they control the votes)and permits the easiest process to access the score (the scores upload automatically). The Live page is attached to an event, including the band, the piece, and its different scores. The piece and the scores are pre-uploaded by the administrator, the composer. Contact the composer in case of an issue. 

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Screenshot 2020-12-03 at 18.02.57.png



In the United Kingdom, tomorrow, revolutionary scientific research has created a polysomnographic process that allows us to travel inside the dreams of others. Odyssey Y is a project that replicates that experience for the audience with a radical combination of music, text, and technology. The Hermia Science Company, conceived by Chief Scientist Ogden Rowntree, has located individual specimens with unhuman thoughts—the ‘Special Ones’, and Sally is the first prototype.


Sally, a 7-year-old child, is part of a scientific experiment: entering inside dreams. She’s currently in a hospital, isolated from any touch of life. The audience is hereby invited to access her dreams through the concept of choices and interaction. To get accustomed to the concept of the app, the audience starts with ‘unmeaningful choices’ like deciding which musician is playing or being teleported to the preferred sonic landscape of their own dreams.


The narrative format starts properly when someone in the city calls the audience from a familiar and welcoming dwelling. When entering the dwelling, the audience receives a phone call from Sally’s father: Stanley Sussex, begging not to go in Sally’s Dream and beyond to return us to our ethical senses. Stanley is asking for a meeting with the audience which leads them to a nightclub, where they meet a strange young girl, singing in the secret room of the club. Step by step, the audience finally arrives in front of Sally in her hospital room.


As a final dilemma, the audience can then choose to go inside her dreams and kiss her or to kill her, an option begged by Stanley as it would be the final solution to release her child from her suffering. Confronted with an ultimate quandary, the audience is trapped between moral reasons and curiosity. 


O D Y S S E Y   Y   S O U N D T R A C K S

The Song of the Mysterious Japanese Girl (Official Audio)

O N D E S  M A R T E N O T  V E R S I O N S

Violin starts (Ondes Martenot)

Sally's Hospital Room (Ondes Martenot)

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